Old projects from before 2018

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Here are some highlights of things I’ve worked on from before 2018.

shovelware — minigame collection for game jam

Jun 2016

shovelware was a fast-paced minigame collection, like WarioWare. Two players play minigames simultaneously and must cooperate to avoid losing. A friend and I made it for the spring 2016 edition of the Games Institute Jam, a local game jam held at the University of Waterloo. The theme was about cooperation.

We agreed on an “API” of sorts, whose specifications our minigames would conform to so minigames would be modular and cross-compatible.

It’s written in Lua, for the game framework love2d. We made it playable to a basic degree by the end of the jam.

nyyhkyytteek — very compact web browser

Mar 2015

nyyhkyytteek was a very simplistic web browser written in 85 lines of Python code. It only supported text. I presented this at TerribleHack 2015, a hackathon dedicated to bad ideas.

It’s written in Python and offers a graphical user interface made in Tkinter, the GUI toolkit included with Python.

PkDx — command line Pokédex

Feb 2015

PkDx was a command-line utility that let the user query for information relating to a Pokémon, like base stats or move compatibility. It could also report stats and information about attacks and abilities. I mainly made it for my own reference use while playing Pokémon Black 2.

It’s written in Python and uses docopt to define a POSIX-compliant command line interface.

shutengu — space shooter game

Dec 2012 ­– Jan 2013

shutengu was a space shooter-style game with a lot of bullets and few enemies. A friend and I made it as part of a final assignment for a high school computer science class.

It’s written in a mix of C and C++. We used SDL to make graphics, audio, and input handling portable across operating systems.